Morning Meet Up


morning rides when the sun rises as you start rolling out is considered a good time in this part of town. glad I was able to share the feeling of sunshine hitting my face with some cool cats on two wheels. peace

Night Ride Send Off

This group ride was held for our good friend and strong legged peddling companion, who is beginning a journey across the country to call a new land home. all fun was had, no harm done. my favs are out of focus.

Le Griff

i have found cycling to be most therapeutic this year. my mobility levels have improved 10 fold from the previous 365, not to mention the mental clarity. leaving the following artifacts here as a reminder of joys that come from journeys and completion of a task made. Peace

SF Road Trip

torn down murder motel

highway fires

kernside telephone rails

battle ready sheep

churo vaping monsters

I think I won the lotto

absinthe and the cliff house

bakers beach breaking boards

chased thru chinatown for duck neck soup

two kings in a hot tub

double rainbows and a waterfall

homeless hopping highways.